Is located in a ceaseless return ticket between globality and the detail, “here " and " over there ", questions the identity, the relation with the spiritual heritage and the history of the dance.
'SÓ' for Sosana, ' Só' means “alone " in Portuguese.
This spectacle is the result of a work initiated by the choreographer since 1996. It fed from its experiments as a dancer choreographer, but also from the reflexions concerning its parts of repertory: Triptic in 2000, F6, espace habité into 2001, Le moment ou jamais into
2003. These spectacles and performances were related to the questions of dance and music, relations between improvisation and composition, the management of time and space, the account drawn from the history and the sociology of the dance, of the treatment of the voice (song, spoken voice, musical quality of the language).
Exploration of the past, of the heritage, report of the present, 'SÓ' is a meticulous selection of what, in the memories, is with-even to take life and make direction in a choreographic work. The part of affect is large in the treatment of the memory, and requires detachment and taken of distance. When the emotional can become choreographic tool and to be perceptible like artistic act.
What and how to transpose? Which elements language to use?
"What impressed always me and moved, the actors, musicians, singers and dancers in solo, able to transmit what they are, assuming their person until transcending it, when the need for being expressed on a scene becomes understandable for each one, when the taking risk is beyond the representation, when the close friend is revealed to us, brittlenesses just like performances, doubts and certitudes… "
In 'SÓ', the dancer is alone on the plate with its own body, without any other support that that of the light: scenic space is empty, the sound exists only in the use of the voice sung and spoken in Portuguese and into French, the costumes are transformed into accessories and are used for scenography (châle black, tutu white, black dress and pink). The Portuguese language is used for its
musical load and symbolic system. Not translated, it makes feel before rendering comprehensible, bringing even more the witness closer to the matter.
"Me... my parents were born overthere, me I was born here,
My sisters were born overthere, me I grew here, they too.
The dance was given to me enters here and over there,
Between superstitions, stories of witch and dream of tutu white
A mixture of interdict, magic and fear and especially the inaccessible one.
What it remains: me in front of you"
Is located in a ceaseless return ticket between globality and the detail, “here " and " over there ", questions the identity, the relation with the spiritual heritage and the history of the dance.
'SÓ' for Sosana, ' Só' means “alone " in Portuguese.
This spectacle is the result of a work initiated by the choreographer since 1996. It fed from its experiments as a dancer choreographer, but also from the reflexions concerning its parts of repertory: Triptic in 2000, F6, espace habité into 2001, Le moment ou jamais into
2003. These spectacles and performances were related to the questions of dance and music, relations between improvisation and composition, the management of time and space, the account drawn from the history and the sociology of the dance, of the treatment of the voice (song, spoken voice, musical quality of the language).
Exploration of the past, of the heritage, report of the present, 'SÓ' is a meticulous selection of what, in the memories, is with-even to take life and make direction in a choreographic work. The part of affect is large in the treatment of the memory, and requires detachment and taken of distance. When the emotional can become choreographic tool and to be perceptible like artistic act.
What and how to transpose? Which elements language to use?
"What impressed always me and moved, the actors, musicians, singers and dancers in solo, able to transmit what they are, assuming their person until transcending it, when the need for being expressed on a scene becomes understandable for each one, when the taking risk is beyond the representation, when the close friend is revealed to us, brittlenesses just like performances, doubts and certitudes… "
In 'SÓ', the dancer is alone on the plate with its own body, without any other support that that of the light: scenic space is empty, the sound exists only in the use of the voice sung and spoken in Portuguese and into French, the costumes are transformed into accessories and are used for scenography (châle black, tutu white, black dress and pink). The Portuguese language is used for its
musical load and symbolic system. Not translated, it makes feel before rendering comprehensible, bringing even more the witness closer to the matter.
"Me... my parents were born overthere, me I was born here,
My sisters were born overthere, me I grew here, they too.
The dance was given to me enters here and over there,
Between superstitions, stories of witch and dream of tutu white
A mixture of interdict, magic and fear and especially the inaccessible one.
What it remains: me in front of you"